Onboard circuit breaker

58彩票The TC series circuit breaker is currently the smallest and lightest aircraft circuit breaker available.They represent the 'most advanced' protection of today's aerospace power systems. Th

The TC series circuit breaker is currently the smallest and lightest aircraft circuit breaker available.

They represent the 'most advanced' protection of today's aerospace power systems. They are lightweight and compact, making them particularly suitable for aircraft, aviation electronics, and electronic systems,58彩票The Klixon trademark sets the standard for aviation circuit breakers.

58彩票Despite its small size, the TC series exceeds the strict military specifications for durability and reliability, providing standard current ratings of 1-35 amperes.

The following is a comparison of different series of application fields, military standards, and factory order numbers.

Circuit breaker serial numberapplication areaFactory order serial numberMilitary identification numberSeries numberMilitary identification numberSeries number
2TCAircraftMS 3320MS 33202TC2MS 26574Feb-74
3TCMS 14105MS 3320L2TC27MS 26574AApr-74
5TCAircraft––MS 3320V2TC63MS 26574Lseven thousand two hundred and seventy-four-70
6TCAircraftMS 14154MS 141053TC2MS 24509Aseven thousand two hundred and seventy/1/1
9TCMS 14153MS 14105L3TC27MS 24509B7270/7/1
2TC49AircraftM5809/1MS 141539TC2MS 24510Aseven thousand two hundred and seventy-one/8/1
3TC7AircraftMS 25244MS 141546TC2MS 24510B7271/3/1
Dec-52AircraftMS 24571MS 14154L6TC37MS 252443TC7
6752-100MS 25361MS 14154V6TC63

6752-305MS 5809/12TC49

7274AircraftMS 26574MS 24571Dec-52

MS 22073MS 24571VDec-52

7277Aircraft––MS 253616752-100

7270AircraftMS 24509MS 25361V6752-102

7271MS 24510MS 22073Nov-74

20TC2Aircraft––MS 22073V7274-69
