Time: 2024-08-18
Reliability and Failure Analysis of Electronic Components (Part 1)
1、 Overview of Components1. Definition and Classification of ComponentsComponent: A finished product that does not change its molecular composition during factory production and processing, does not generate electrons, and has no control or transformation effect on voltage and current.Device: A finished product whose molecular structure is altered during factory production and processing, capable of generating electrons and controlling and transforming voltage and current (amplification, switching, rectification, detection, oscillation, modulation, etc.), also known as an electronic device.Classification (Source: 2007 edition of the "Qualified Product Catalog for Military Electronic Components")
Failure mode:Poor contact, high sliding noise, open circuit, etcFailure mode:Leakage or short circuit, deterioration of breakdown characteristics, deterioration of forward voltage drop, high resistance due to open circuitFailure mechanism:Electromigration, hot carrier effect, time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB), surface oxide layer defects, insulation layer defects, epitaxial layer defectsThe main failure mechanisms of MEMS devices:A device that utilizes electrons to interact with electromagnetic fields in vacuum or gas, converting one form of electromagnetic energy into another. It has a vacuum sealed tube shell and several electrodes, and the inside of the tube is evacuated to a residual gas pressure of 10-4 to 10-8 Pa. Some of them inject gas with the required composition and pressure after extracting the gas from the tube. Widely used in fields such as broadcasting, communication, television, radar, navigation, automatic control, electronic warfare, computer terminal display, medical diagnosis and treatment.Vacuum electronic devices are classified according to their functions:Static control electronic tube for converting direct current energy and electromagnetic oscillation energy;
A microwave electron tube that converts direct current energy into electromagnetic oscillation energy with a frequency of 300 megahertz to 3000 gigahertz;
An electron beam tube that utilizes a focused electron beam to record, store, convert, and display optical and electrical signals;
A photoelectric cell that utilizes the phenomenon of photoelectron emission to achieve photoelectric conversion;
X-ray tubes that generate X-rays;
An inflation tube filled with gas and generating gas discharge;
Vacuum quantum electronic devices that work by amplifying electromagnetic waves through stimulated radiation of particles in vacuum and gas.
Since the 1960s, many vacuum electronic devices have gradually been replaced by solid-state electronic devices. However, in high-frequency and high-power fields, vacuum electronic devices still have considerable vitality, while electron beam tubes and phototubes will still be widely used and developed. [1] Vacuum electronic devices include vacuum circuit breakers, which have many advantages and are widely used in substations. Vacuum circuit breakers have been included in Kuaiyiyou. Due to the use of special vacuum components, with the improvement of manufacturing level in recent years, the faults in the arc extinguishing chamber have been significantly reduced. The vacuum arc extinguishing chamber does not require maintenance, and when it is damaged, it can only be replaced. The faults that occur during the operation of vacuum circuit breakers are mainly caused by the operating mechanism, followed by the primary conductive part, contact conductive rod, etc.Disclaimer: This article is sourced from the internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it.