Time: 2024-08-18  韦克威科技

How do sensors perform information fusion on ships?

Sensor information fusionIt is an effective means to improve the target recognition capability and combat effectiveness of naval ships. Sensor signals of naval vesselsInformation fusion(Radar, infrared, laser, etc)It is completed by the central computer on board, whose function is to synthesize and interpret data from multiple different sensors.

The multi-sensor system installed on the ship consists of visible light cameras and infrared detectors. The former is a wide field image camera that can collect target and background data through rotational motion, and has the ability to quickly search a large area. The latter is a platform line scanning array system that has excellent sensitivity to detecting point source targets and can program scanning frequency and scanning angle. System software controls twosensorTo detect and track targets with wide range variations, and collect data on these targets and their backgrounds. Information fusion computer continuously collects data from each sensor,It completes the process of detection, recognition, capture, and tracking, and can also change the parameters of sensors to obtain optimized target signal data. The specific functions of each part are as follows.

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1.Image camera

The image camera is a wide field of view internal line scanning camera installed on an independent universal joint controlled by a computerOn the shelf. This layout ensures that the system maintains a stable image and scans another area with a line scan detector while the image camera searches for one area(Usually a small area)It is usually fixed on the aiming line during search and detection. When the line scan detector enters the human detection mode, the camera maintains the aiming line aligneddetectorThe observation line is used to collect images and local backgrounds of the target. The sensitivity and resolution of a camera depend on the field of view width and scanning frequency, but in relatively close areas, it is sufficient to provide good background and target images. The positioning of the camera is controlled by a computer. The positioning and aiming system corrects the relative position of the camera and bracket when the target is close to the field of view boundary or preparing to select a new search area.

twoInfrared scanning detector

Infrared scanningdetectorInstalled inAn inertia stabilized dual axis universal bracket(platform)The orientation and elevation angle of the bracket axis are controlled by a computer. The system software controls the sea surface scanning mode and adjusts the bracket azimuth frequency and detector azimuth searchLimit, search model center, and height angle of each step in the search model. The infrared sensor system also includes an inertial navigation system,It is used to ensure that the search model is fixed on a certain plane.

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

threeData Fusion Processing Computer System

The data fusion processing computer system includes two parallel processing computersoneAn image processing machine and a control computer. Two parallel processors simultaneously use a shared memory to run data. One parallel control line scanning detector and its numberAccording to the collection and inertial navigation system;another-A dedicated video information processor for controlling image cameras using a parallel machine. This video processingThe machine digitizes and processes images from the camera at standard frequencies. The data fusion processing system has the following tasks:Collect from eachdetectorControl and determine the detection direction of the detector, and display and record the detected data.

foursystems software

The core of the system software is sensor information fusion software, which includes:Used to combine data algorithms from scanners and cameras with target recognition software based on the algorithm. The system software provides three selectable models to run the entire system. In the first oneIn the model, the line scanner is the mainsensorUsing this line scanning detector to discover and track targets, the passive camera follows the position of the line scanner. This is the most commonly used model. Because the line scanner has the highest sensitivity, it can identify and discover targets before the camera. In the second model, the camera is-A basic sensor that searches the sea surface and is directly processed by an information fusion processor. Here, the image processor is used to enhance the images from the camera, and the information fusion processor stores this data in the image processor through a high-speed bus. The image fusion processor then tracks the target and drives the line scanner to align its position. In the third control model,The detector bracket is not connected, allowing two sensors to scan autonomously in their respective search modes. The system computer continuously monitors two sensors to determine which target tracking should be selectedsensor.


tag: 传感器