Time: 2024-08-18  szwkw

AcrelCloud_ Electric Energy

Original title: AcrelCloud-1000 substation operation and maintenance cloud platform reduces manual labor, improves efficiency, and avoids hidden dangers

01 Overview

According to the statistics of the power grid company, there are more than 2 million industrial and commercial users with a power supply voltage level of 10kV and above. The property rights of such "user side substations" belong to the power users (industrial and commercial enterprises, residential communities, schools, hospitals, etc.). Although there are many of them, the daily operation and maintenance work is relatively traditional, and there are generally the following pain points:

58彩票High labor costs: manual inspections, paper records, telephone communication, lack of intelligent means.

Low work efficiency: low video inspection rate, inability to locate inspection tasks, non-standard inspection process, lack of closed-loop tracking of inspection defects.

Safety hazards: Some electrical units lack professional maintenance electricians, are unable to promptly identify electrical hazards, and have difficulty inspecting hidden engineering hazards.

Long repair time: There are many types of substation equipment, which are also scattered in distribution, making it difficult to identify and locate fault information in real time. Users need to notify and confirm on-site.

Lack of analysis in running big data: Some users do not have a data aggregation and analysis platform, and even have not installed power instruments, resulting in operation and maintenance personnel not understanding the on-site power parameter information and unable to determine whether the power system is operating normally.

02 Application Place

Electricity sales companies; Group/Property Management; Operation and maintenance enterprises; Ubiquitous power Internet of Things.

03 Cloud Platform Architecture

Our operation and maintenance platform uses integrated protection devices, multi-function power instruments, bus and cable temperature measuring devices, transformer temperature controllers, video cameras, water soaked smoke, temperature and humidity, door magnets and other sensors to access the edge computing gateway at the substation site, and upload the data to the cloud platform after encapsulation, compression and encryption through the edge computing gateway. Real time centralized monitoring of electricity consumption in all substations, unified scheduling of operation and maintenance inspections, and online and offline linkage; Realize 24-hour unmanned operation of the user side substation, monitor the operation status of each distribution circuit, locate faults in real time, and reduce safety risks. Distribute operation and maintenance tasks to designated personnel's mobile phones through a mobile app, and track the operation and maintenance execution process through GPS. Centralize and unify the management of substations widely distributed within enterprise groups/higher education institutions, improve operation and maintenance efficiency, enhance fault response speed, and promptly detect and eliminate operational defects. Provide electricity collection and reading services for electricity sales enterprises, instantly grasp users' electricity consumption situation, and avoid deviation assessment; Responding to the policy of ubiquitous power Internet of Things, increasing customer stickiness, and preparing for the development of value-added services in the later stage.

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04 Substation Cloud Platform Function

4.1 Comprehensive Kanban

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58彩票Through the comprehensive dashboard, the overall operation of the platform can be understood, and multiple templates can be pre-set for users to choose from. It is the window and centralized control center for the platform's external display.

58彩票4.2 Power Monitoring

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

58彩票Real time monitoring of substation electricity usage through vector distribution diagrams, with screen response to remote signal displacement and remote limit alarm. Clicking on a distribution circuit allows for the query of various detailed electricity parameters, including real-time values, small values, large values, and average values.

58彩票4.3 Environmental Monitoring

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

Real time monitoring of the operating environment of the substation, including environmental temperature and humidity, water immersion, door magnets, smoke detectors, cable temperature, etc., and can achieve video monitoring and video playback.

4.4 Fault alarm

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It can be configured with remote signal displacement alarm (water immersion, smoke, door magnetic, switch tripping, etc.), telemetry limit exceeding alarm (overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, cable temperature too high, winding temperature too high, etc.), operation alarm (instrument offline, gateway offline, etc.), and the received alarm can be pushed through SMS and web pages. The upper and lower limits of the alarm can be flexibly configured according to the on-site situation.

4.5 Energy Efficiency Analysis

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Collect hourly, daily, monthly, and annual electricity consumption data based on distribution circuits, regions, departments, and sub items (lighting, air conditioning, power, etc.), and conduct month on month analysis; Calculate the electricity consumption and amount of each distribution circuit according to peak, off peak, flat, and valley; Monthly statistics on the demand and occurrence value of each circuit, providing a basis for demand declaration.

4.6 Equipment archives

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The system can configure equipment information such as transformers, incoming cabinets, outgoing cabinets, metering cabinets, high-voltage cables, etc. in each substation, record the equipment's model, commissioning date, etc., and can also use reports to count the equipment that needs maintenance or replacement in the near future.

4.7 Inspection and defect elimination

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58彩票Develop an inspection plan through the system and distribute it to the inspection personnel's mobile phones. The inspection personnel will perform inspection tasks at the substation site according to the inspection requirements. If defects are found during the inspection process, they can record the defects and generate a defect elimination task in the system.

58彩票4.8 User Report

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

58彩票The system automatically summarizes the operational data of the substation for one month, conducts statistical analysis on transformer load, distribution circuit electricity consumption, power factor, alarm events, etc., and lists various defects and their handling situations discovered during the inspection period.

4.9 Mobile APP

Through the mobile app, it is possible to view distribution diagrams, monitor and replay videos, query power parameters, calculate demand, analyze energy consumption, and receive alarms, perform inspections, and record defects.

58彩票05 Platform Configuration Plan

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

06 Supporting Introduction

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

58彩票6.1 AM5SE series microcomputer comprehensive protection device

58彩票6.1.1 Function

58彩票Protection functions: main transformer differential protection function, main transformer backup protection, three-stage overcurrent with directional voltage locking, three-stage overcurrent, zero sequence current protection, overvoltage, low voltage protection, high-power motor protection, high-voltage motor comprehensive protection, PT parallel function, non electricity protection, grid connected reverse power protection, and synchronous detection function;

Measurement function: protection current, measurement current, zero sequence current, bus voltage, zero sequence voltage 4-20mA output, DC measurement;

58彩票Communication function: Provides RS485 communication interface, RS232 maintenance interface, IRIG-B timing interface, USB upgrade interface, RJ45 network port interface;

Fault recording function: When the protection action triggers the recording, it can record the data of the first 8 cycles and the last 4 cycles of the fault;

Control circuit: equipped with operation circuit and anti bounce function;

GPS timing function: Provides a clock synchronization interface to receive GPS timing signals.

58彩票6.1.2 Application

58彩票The protection and measurement functions of substations and equipment with voltage levels of 35kV and below shall include at least the protection and automatic control functions of 35kV incoming lines/main transformers (generally with a capacity of 2000kVA or above)/PT/busbars, 10kV incoming lines/feeders/distribution transformers (generally with a capacity of 2000kVA or below)/high-voltage motors/high-voltage capacitors/busbars/PT and other equipment.

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58彩票6.2 ASD300 series intelligent control device

58彩票6.2.1 Function

A dynamic simulation diagram indicating and self checking live display, locking, and self checking;

Nuclear phase, forced heating, forced lighting;

Voice error prevention prompt;

58彩票Human body sensing, cabinet lighting, and live voice broadcasting;

58彩票Switching on/off, remote on-site, energy storage conversion switch;

Indication of intact opening and closing circuit/voltage measurement;

Pre split and pre merge flashing indicator;

58彩票Statistics of circuit breaker opening and closing times;

RS485 serial communication interface;

Wireless temperature measurement of switch cabinet nodes;

Full electric parameter measurement U, I,P,Q,f,PF,Ep,Eq。

58彩票6.2.2 Application

35KV high voltage and below central cabinet, handcart cabinet, ring main unit cabinet.

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

58彩票6.3 ARTM Pn wireless temperature measurement device

58彩票6.3.1 Function

Receive 60 ATE100/200/300/400;

3U3I electrical parameter measurement;

Real time temperature measurement function;

RS485 communication interface, realizing networking function through standard MODBUS RTU protocol;

Equipped with self checking function;

Over temperature, high temperature, phase to phase temperature difference alarm, and temperature sudden change alarm functions.

58彩票6.3.2 Application

58彩票Substation, distribution room, box transformer, etc.

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

6.4 APM810 series multifunctional power meter

58彩票6.4.1 Function

Accuracy level: active power level 0.5S, reactive power level 2;

Measurement functions: three-phase voltage, three-phase current, phase separation and total active power, phase separation and total reactive power, phase separation and total apparent power, phase separation and total power factor, frequency, demand;

Electricity metering: phase separated and total bidirectional electricity, four quadrant reactive energy;

Power quality monitoring: measurement of 2-63rd harmonic, total (odd, even) harmonic, voltage peak coefficient, telephone peak factor, and current K coefficient;

58彩票Input/output: 2-channel switch output (optional MD82 module can be expanded to 8 channels);

And 2 switch inputs (optional MD82 module can be expanded to 26 channels), switch output;

Can be configured as alarm output or remote control, DO can be freely associated with alarm content when used as alarm output;

58彩票SD card storage function: used for timed storage of electrical parameters, electrical energy, harmonics and other data, waveform storage and other functions.

6.4.2 Application

58彩票Suitable for power systems, industrial and mining enterprises, public facilities, intelligent buildings and other occasions that require power monitoring.

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

6.5 DTSD1352 Rail mounted Electric Energy Meter

6.5.1 Function

58彩票Measurement function: three-phase current, voltage, power, frequency, total positive and negative active energy statistics, total positive and negative reactive energy statistics;

58彩票Accuracy level: active power 0.5S;

Current signal connection: directly connected to 10 (80) A and connected to 1 (6) A via CT;

58彩票Voltage signal: 100V 380V;

Communication: RS485 interface, supporting MODBUS-RTU or DL/T645 communication protocols.

58彩票6.5.2 Application

58彩票Suitable for sub metering of electricity in government agencies and large public buildings, and can also be used for energy management assessment in enterprises and institutions.

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

6.6 ADW300 Wireless Intelligent Instrument

58彩票6.6.1 Function

Measurement function: three-phase current, voltage, power, frequency, total positive and negative active energy statistics, total positive and negative reactive energy statistics;

58彩票Power quality: voltage and current imbalance, total harmonic and 2-31st harmonic of voltage and current;

Demand: current, power demand, real-time current, power demand;

58彩票Accuracy level: 0.5s level ADW300 external transformer type level 1;

Current signal specification: 100A input, input through transformer, 5A secondary transformer connected;

Communication methods: RS485, LORA wireless communication, NB-IOT wireless communication, 4G wireless communication.

6.6.2 Application

58彩票ADW300 is convenient for users to monitor, collect and manage electricity usage, and can be flexibly installed in distribution boxes. It can be used in online monitoring platforms such as power operation and maintenance, environmental supervision, etc.

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

6.7 ARCM300 series electrical fire monitoring instrument

6.7.1 Function

Measurement: single circuit residual current, 4-channel temperature, voltage, current, power, frequency, power factor, apparent energy, four quadrant energy;

58彩票Protection: residual current, temperature, overcurrent, etc;

58彩票Alarm: Sound and light alarm, supporting mute and reset operations;

Switching quantity: 1 relay output, 4 switch inputs;

58彩票Communication methods: RS485, NB-IOT wireless communication, 4G wireless communication.

58彩票6.7.2 Application

Suitable for intelligent buildings, high-rise apartments, hotels, restaurants, commercial buildings, industrial and mining enterprises, important fire protection units, as well as fields such as petrochemicals, culture, education, health, finance, and telecommunications.

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

6.8 ANET Intelligent Gateway

6.8.1 Function

58彩票Data collection (supports serial port, Ethernet, and can be configured to be compatible with various instruments that support standard power protocols);

Data upload (supports uploading data to Shanghai classification sub item energy consumption platform, Ningxia power demand side platform, Jiangsu power operation and maintenance platform, Zhejiang power operation and maintenance platform);

58彩票Edge computing (flexible alarm threshold setting, active uploading of alarm information, data consolidation calculation, breakpoint continuation, data encryption, 4G routing);

Remote management (remote configuration, remote upgrade, remote monitoring).

6.8.2 Application

Ubiquitous power Internet of Things, energy consumption system platform, power demand side management platform, third-party cloud platform, prepaid system, operation and maintenance system platform, power monitoring platform, and energy comprehensive management platform.

07 On site application pictures

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

58彩票Value of 08 Substation Cloud Platform

Provide an online operation and maintenance service platform for power operation and maintenance enterprises, which can monitor the electricity consumption of all substations in real time, unify the scheduling of operation and maintenance inspections, and achieve online and offline linkage.

Centralize and unify the management of substations widely distributed within enterprise groups/higher education institutions, improve operation and maintenance efficiency, and enhance fault response speed;

Responding to the policy of ubiquitous power Internet of Things, increasing customer stickiness, and preparing for the development of value-added services in the later stage;

Provide electricity collection and reading services for electricity sales enterprises, enabling real-time monitoring of users' electricity consumption and avoiding deviation assessments.

9.2 Web version: www.acrelcloud.cn