Time: 2024-08-18  韦克威科技

What are the current sensor brands in the United States? - Domestic alternatives - [Wickway]

What are the current sensor brands in the United States

Supplier: Hardin North America

58彩票Hardin's new current sensor design is robust and ideal for harsh conditions in markets such as railway technology and renewable energy. The precise adjustment of frequency in power semiconductor systems requires fast and accurate current measurement

58彩票Accuracy: 0.3000 to 1% FS

58彩票Current type: AC current, DC current

Frequency range: 0.0 to 100000 Hz

Input voltage: 12 to 24 volts


Hardin Technology Group has rich technology in the fields of electrical, electronic, and optical connections, transmission and networking, as well as manufacturing, mechatronics, and software development. The group utilizes these skills to develop customized solutions and products, such as connectors for energy and data transmission applications, including mechanical engineering, railway technology, wind power plants, factory automation, and telecommunications departments. Hardin also produces electromagnetic components for the automotive industry and is an expert in industrial applications, including enclosures, enclosures, cable wiring, and/or assembly of individual or complete systems, as well as vending systems.

58彩票If you need to find a replacement for Hardin's current sensor products, please contact a Weikewei electrical engineer.