Square wave Hall sensor - bandwidth 300Khz CETC qualified supplier - [Wekewei]
When choosing a square wave Hall sensor, please ensure that it is compatible with the following:
58彩票• Trigger tooth target material • Tooth width • Tooth clearance • Tooth height Your sensor should also be able to handle tooth frequency (the number of teeth that can be counted within a certain period of time). We usually recommend installing a sensor without a built-in filter, as these can cause serious damage when attempting to detect missing teeth on the crank trigger wheel. Hall effect sensors typically have an air gap (the distance between the sensor and the target material) of approximately 1mm or 40000. Check the sensor specification sheet to confirm. Hall effect sensors do not like high temperatures, so check the specification sheet again. In general, unless otherwise specified, the operating temperature of Hall effect sensors should not exceed 90 degrees Celsius. For Hall effect sensors, the trigger input wiring uses the sensor's 5V, 8V, or 12V power supply (depending on its requirements) with a 0-volt signal grounded and a trigger positive terminal connected to the sensor's signal wire.
For square wave Hall sensors, the trigger positive pole of the magneto resistive sensor and the trigger magneto resistive sensor negative pole are used. Pay special attention to this wiring, as mixing and matching sensor wiring can cause various faults. Conclusion: Hall effect sensors are easy to install and configure in ECU software, but they do not like to overheat and may "filter" or miss the teeth you really want to detect depending on the model. Magnetic resistance sensors do not mind heat and are very reliable, but they require time to set the relationship between trigger voltage and engine speed, and require very precise sensor installation to provide a very small gap between the sensor and trigger teeth to ensure fault free operation.