Time: 2024-08-18  韦克威科技

Domestic SSPC Weikewei Aviation SSPC-GJB Certification

Weikewei can not only provide users with completely independent intellectual property rightsSSPCWe can also provide customers with high-performance products worldwideSSPCProduct

for instance:Safran ElectricalSafran Electric&Power designs and assembles components aimed at controlling, switching, and distributing electricity in the commercial and general aviation, military aircraft, and off highway vehicle markets. Most of them operate in harsh environments and require high levels of performance and reliability.

It includes relays and contactors, circuit breakers, remote control circuit breakers, as well as power supplies andLoad management system. Safran Electric&Power also offers a full range of non luminous switch products: toggle switches, toggle switches, buttons, quick action switches, sealed limit switches, as well as all related switch protection devices and protective covers.


Safran Electrical Components has many years of experience in designing and manufacturing high current electrical components for power distribution. We have developed core technologies that are adaptable to various environments, including various types of aircraft power distribution, military power supply, and industrial high-voltage power distributionSSPC58彩票And intelligent contactors.

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

Effectively transmitting current with minimal power loss is a key element of our specialization, designed by SafranSSPCCan be applied to high-pressure aircraft environments. Our capability means that we can combine multiple technologies (electrical and mechanical) to design customized products that meet strict aerospace standards. This has led to industry-leading innovative products that are compact, easy to install, and fully meet customer needs.

Kewei Technology has been focusing on imported brands for 12 years, with a professional FAE team capable offreeProvide you with a range of productsUser guide, please contact the technical personnel for details.

Li Gong: 18576410868

tag: SSPC