Time: 2024-08-18  韦克威科技

ACS758 domestic substitution - imported quality, domestic price+independently controllable components

ACS758 Domestic Replacement

We have found that some models of ACS758 have been listed as not recommended for new product design, and coupled with the escalating trade war between China and the United States, we are continuing to find a new oneACS758 Domestic ReplacementPlan. Below, the author introduces an in-situ replacement solution with 100% independent property rights, and even some performance is attributed to the ACS seriesproduct.

That is: STK-600 military grade, using 100%Domestic current sensorChip, independently controllable TMRChip level current sensor.

Below is a visual comparison of the main parameters of the two products:

ACS758 Domestic Replacement58彩票From the parameters, it is completely feasible:

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

thisACS758 Domestic ReplacementProduct STK-600 seriesproductThe characteristics are: small temperature drift, high accuracy, and wide temperature range

58彩票Temperature range: -55 ℃~+125 ℃

The rated current range includes:

58彩票Current characteristics: AC, DC

58彩票Accuracy level: 1% accuracy (actual parameters are higher than the specification level), 2 times the current linear output capability.

For more selection information, please contact our technical personnel: Mr. Li: 18576410868

Product parameters comply with current and voltagesensorMilitary standard SJ20790

tag: 传感器