Time: 2024-08-18  韦克威科技

Agent - Self Sensing Sensor - Manufacturer [Wekewei]

Agent - Self Sensing Sensor - Manufacturer [Wekewei]

self-sensing sensorRealized the transformation of measured changes into changes in inductance. In order to measure the change in inductance and also to send it to the lower level circuit for amplification and processing, a conversion circuit is used to convert the inductance change into a voltage (or current) change. holdsensorAfter connecting inductors to different conversion circuits, in principle, the changes in inductance can be converted into changes in the amplitude, frequency series, and phase of voltage (or current), which are respectively called amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, and phase modulation circuits. In self sensing sensors, amplitude modulation appliances are used more than frequency modulation and phase modulation circuits.

Vicorv High-Reliability Electronic Components

Self sensing sensorThere are several characteristics as follows:

58彩票(1) The sensitivity is relatively good, currently capable of measuring linear displacement of 0.1 μ m, with a large output signal and good signal-to-noise ratio.

(2) The measurement range is relatively small, suitable for measuring small displacements.

(3) There is nonlinearity.

(4) The power consumption is relatively high, especially for unipolar inductive sensors, due to their strong electromagnetic attraction.

58彩票(5) The process requirements are not high and the processing is easy.


tag: 传感器