Anti vibration - Two wire self calibrating differential speed and direction Hall gear sensor - Supplier [Weikewei]
Anti vibration - Two wire self calibrating differential speed and direction Hall gear sensor - Supplier [Weikewei]
ATS651LSH is an application that provides speed and direction detectionGear sensorThe two-wire device uses pulse width modulation (PWM) output protocol to transmit speed and direction information of iron like targets, and its dual differential detector circuit uses threehall sensor And independent signal processing channels make it more reliable than traditional designs. ATS651LSH is particularly suitable for vibration in automotive environments, and it does not reduce the maximum gap, nor does it generate incorrect directional pulses, or evenengineThe interference caused by vibration during startup can also be completely suppressed by this device.
Main features:
● Rotation direction detection
Fully optimized digital differential gear传感器
● High stability single-chip detection IC
Two line work for internal flow regulation
● Automatic Gain Control (AGC) and Reference Adjustment Circuit
● True zero speed operation
● Under voltage locking
● Wide working voltage range
● Confirmed power on status
58彩票ESD and reverse polarity protection