Time: 2024-08-18  韦克威科技

Technology - Hall Effect Sensors (APX9031, APX9140) - Guidance [Wei Ke Wei]

Technology - Hall Effect Sensors (APX9031, APX9140) - Guidance [Wei Ke Wei]

Both APX9031 and APX9140 seriesIt is an integrationHallEffect sensor, mainly designed for electronic exchange of brushless DC motors.APX9031Available in TO-92M-3 and SOT-89-3 packagesAPX9140Its packaging is TO-92M-4.

APX9031Main features:

58彩票Low operating voltage: 3V (with reverse protection)

● Multiple sensitivities and hysteresis

● High reliability


APX9140Main features:

Low operating power supply voltage: 3V

58彩票● Large absorption output current capability: 400mA

58彩票● Multiple sensitivities and hysteresis

● High reliability


tag: 传感器