Closed loop - Magnetic Balance Hall Current Sensor - Brand [Weikewei]
Closed loop - Magnetic Balance Hall Current Sensor - Brand [Weikewei]
Closed loop Hall current sensor基于磁平衡式霍尔原理设计当,原边电流IP 产生的磁通通过高品质磁芯集中在 磁路中,hall sensor 固定在气隙中检测磁通,通过绕在磁芯上的多匝线圈输出反向的补偿电流,用于抵消原 边IP 产生的磁通,使得磁路中磁通始终保持为零。经过特殊电路的处理传,感器的输出端能够输出精确反 映原边电流的电流变化。
Closed loop type58彩票The Hall current sensor has the following technical specifications:
58彩票 Auxiliary power supply: ± 15V range
Response time: ≤ 1us
58彩票 Bandwidth: 100kHz
Imbalance current: 0.1mA
58彩票 Output load: Depending on different auxiliary power sources, input signals, and output signals
58彩票 Input overload capacity: Input range can be restored to normal operation by doubling the maximum value
Voltage withstand: 3.5kV/50Hz/1min
霍尔电流传感器It has many advantages such as short response time and high operating frequency, so it can be widely used in variable frequency speed regulation devices, inverter devices, UPS power supplies, photovoltaic power generation, communication rooms, CNC machine tools, microcomputer monitoring systems, power grid monitoring systems, and various fields that require isolation and detection of current.