Time: 2024-08-18  maya

Domestic replacement of Hall current sensor+manufacturer's domestic replacement

国产替代Hall current sensor+manufacturer公司国产替代


Hall current sensor+manufacturerTechnical indicators are objective criteria for characterizing the performance of a product. Understanding the technical specifications is helpful for selecting and using the product correctly.The technical indicators of Hall current sensors and manufacturers are divided into two categories: static indicators and dynamic indicators. The static indicators mainly assess the performance of Hall current sensors and manufacturers under static and unchanged conditions, including resolution, repeatability, sensitivity, linearity, return error, threshold, creep, stability, etc.Dynamic indicators mainly examine the performance of sensors under rapidly changing conditions, including frequency response and step response. Flux gate sensors are used in solar inverters to induce current. In addition, closed-loop AC and DC current measurement can be easily accomplished using flux gate sensors. The flux gate current sensing method can also be used for leakage current measurement, overcurrent detection, etc.

because霍尔电流传感器+厂家There are numerous technical indicators and various literature descriptionsDifferent perspectives can lead to different interpretations and even misunderstandings and ambiguities among individuals. Therefore, the following are the main technical indicators for sensors to be interpreted:

1. Resolution and resolution:

Definition: Resolution refers to the ability of a sensor to detect the measured objectzuiSmall changes. Resolution refers to the ratio of resolution to full-scale value.

Interpretation 1: Resolution is the sensor'sThe basic indicator characterizes the sensor's ability to distinguish the measured object. Other technical indicators of sensors are based on resolutionzuiDescribing it as a small unit.For sensors and instruments with digital display function, resolution determines the display of measurement resultszuiSmall digits. For example, the resolution of an electronic digital caliper is 0.01mm, and its indication error is ± 0.02mm.Interpretation 2: Resolution is a unitabsolutelyNumerical value. For example, the resolution of a temperature sensor is 0.1 ℃, the resolution of an acceleration sensor is 0.1g, and so on.Interpretation 3: Resolution is a concept that is closely related to resolution and characterizes the sensor's ability to distinguish the measured object.The main difference between the two is that resolution is expressed as a percentage of the sensor's resolution, which is a relative number without dimensions. For example, if the resolution of the temperature sensor mentioned above is 0.1 ℃ and the full range is 500 ℃, then its resolution is 0.1/500=0.02%.



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