Time: 2024-08-18  韦克威科技

Application of SSPC in NASA - Weikewei - Domestic Replacement

Advanced solid-state power component technology is essential for future hybrid aircraft systems with increasing power demand. Appropriate circuit protection is required in these high-power electrical systems to achieve safety, reliability, and ultimately airworthiness. Solid state power controller (SSPC) modules already exist in aircraft applications, but they were developed for the power levels seen in existing aircraft branch circuits. The power level of hybrid aircraft is one to two orders of magnitude higher than existing aircraft, and the current SSPC is simply not suitable for use in these vehicles. The power level required for the propulsion motor of general aviation aircraftSSPCAlmost non-existent;. The SSPC required for the power level of small electric drones is too bulky. The LaunchPoint SSPC unit will merge all the functions of the existing SSPC, but with some differences. LaunchPoint's SSPC will utilize silicon carbide and gallium nitride semiconductors to manufacture SSPCs, which are not only smaller in size but can also operate at higher power levels. In addition to utilizing different MOSFET components, the LaunchPoint SSPC integrates a microcontroller that will perform high-level monitoring of current and voltage waveforms and generate low-power indicators that can be reported back to the system's hybrid power controller. These indicators may include transient peak current and voltage, RMS current and voltage, and frequency content. In addition to these indicators, LaunchPoint aims to evaluate the feasibility of using intelligent SSPC to detect imminent insulation failures caused by coronal discharges, which are related to high-altitude flight and can be achieved through real-time analysis of partial discharge currents and other characteristic phenomena. These advances represent new contributions to the propulsion system of electric aircraft.


NASA spacecraft can benefit from weight reduction and improved safety, with X-57 Maxwell aircraft, GL-10 hybrid electric VTOL aircraft, and HEIST project utilizing lightweight, fast solid-state power controllers(SSPC)Replace heavy-duty electromechanical relay modules in the power system. The SSPC module can also be integrated into the front end of the motor speed controller and allow the controller to safely disconnect from the DC bus in the event of a short circuit fault inside the controller. In case of a battery pack failure that may cause a short circuit on the main power bus, these modules will also be used as battery pack disconnect switches. LaunchPoint technology is providing potential customers with generator sets and hybrid power systems to evaluate the small unmanned aerial vehicles they plan to manufacture and sell. This customer expressed a need for circuit protection to enable the vehicle to withstand faults in the electric motor speed controller, which could cause a short circuit in the entire DC bus of the vehicle. Other drone manufacturers who wish to operate above personnel will ultimately need to meet some airworthiness requirements and provide circuit protection that allows vehicles to remain in the air to demonstrate constant airworthiness in the event of a feeder short circuit or other single point electrical failure. To FAA. Ultimately, electric personal aircraft will require high-power and low weight circuit protection to achieve safe and reliable universal flight.