Time: 2024-09-10  韦克威科技

The US Army collaborates with the University of Illinois to develop unmanned driving technology

US Army researchers are collaborating with the University of Illinois at Chicago to develop unmanned driving technology to charge drone swarms. According to a statement released by the Army Research Laboratory, the university has secured a four-year, $8 million cooperation agreement to "develop fundamental science in two key areas of propulsion and propulsion technology to power future unmanned aerial vehicle systems.The army added, "This collaborative program will help small battery powered drones automatically return to unmanned ground vehicles for charging from military missions

The university is developing algorithms for route planning for multiple small unmanned aerial and ground vehicle teamsArmy develops unmanned aerial vehicles that can change shape during flightThe military is seeking to charge large fleets of unmanned aerial vehicles as efficiently as possible through the use of fast charging batteries and wireless power transmission technology. Researchers say that this will enable multiple drones to hover over unmanned ground vehicles and wirelessly charge.


Army researchers are collaborating with the University of Illinois at Chicago to develop a drone charging system (provided by the University of Illinois at Chicago)Imagine in the future, the Army deploys hundreds or thousands of unmanned aerial vehicle systems, "said Dr. Mike Kweon, the project manager of the laboratory's multifunctional tactical power and propulsion basic research project, in a statement.

With current battery technology, each of these systems only has about 26 minutes to perform flight missions and return home before the battery runs out, which means it is imaginable that all systems can return simultaneously to replace the battery.

”Kweon added, "Soldiers need to carry thousands of batteries while carrying out missions to facilitate this, which is overwhelming in logistics and overall not conducive to leading expeditionary military operations." Through this research project, we are implementing scientific efforts to increase the readiness of soldiers on tomorrow's battlefield The US Army is testing augmented reality goggles on dogs. The Army Research Laboratory is part of the US Army Combat Capability Development Command.

无线充电将减少更换电池的后勤负担。 (芝加哥伊利诺伊大学提供)

Wireless charging will reduce the logistical burden of battery replacement (provided by the University of Illinois at Chicago)In another project, the US Army has been working with Texas A& M University CollaborationA drone that can change its shape during flight. On June 16, 2020, experts from the Army Research Laboratory showcased their work on developing new tools for small transformable unmanned aerial vehicles at a virtual event at the American Academy of Aeronautics and Astronautics Aviation Forum and Expo. Army researchers and Texas A& M University has published research results on fluid structure coupling for two years.