Time: 2024-09-14  韦克威科技

The US Air Force F-16 fighter jets will continue to serve until the 1940s

Colonel Tim Bailey, the project leader of the F-16 fighter jet at the US Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, stated at a press conference on "Life Cycle Industry Day" that the US Air Force will upgrade the F-16 fighter jet to continue service beyond 2040. United States Air ForcefighterAccording to Brigadier General Dale White, the executive officer of the Advanced Aircraft Program, the Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) for the F-16 can provide additional service life for this type of fighter jet. Currently, there has been no order to initiate the development of its replacement - the multi-purpose fighter jet known as the "MR-F" or "MR-X" by the US Air Force, nor has there been a request to evaluate Boeing's T-7 advanced trainer aircraft as a replacement for the F-16. Brigadier General Dale White stated that the "4+1" future fighter force structure proposed by the US Air Force in 2021 (4: F-22, F-35, F-15E/F-15EX, F-16, 1: A-10) remains the same as that of the United Statesair forceThe adopted strategy.

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