The Zhuhai Air Show is approaching. Do you know the names of the fighter jet performance movements?
F-22 J-Turn Reposition J-Turn (Herbst maneuver)
J-turn, also known as Herbst maneuver. Named after its trajectory resembling the letter J. This is also a technology for achieving fast turns, which must rely on high thrust vector engines to achieve. The J-shaped turn is similar to the Pugachev Cobra maneuver, where the pilot also flies the aircraft horizontally, then pulls up the nose significantly, uses thrust vectoring and advanced flight control to achieve rapid deceleration at high angles of attack, and combines roll technology to make the aircraft quickly turn direction.In terms of flight technology, the Herbst maneuver is generally classified as the Pugachev Cobra maneuver, but unlike the latter, the Herbst maneuver is considered more practical because using the Herbst maneuver can reduce the aircraft's turnaround time by 30%.
Americans use the "J-turn" to define the F-22's housekeeping action, which surpasses the Su-27's "Cobra maneuver", but this action is much more complicated than the letter J. The so-called J-shaped turn is actually a combination of a downward block somersault, the front half of the Cobra maneuver, and a non radius side turn. butThe principle of J-type maneuver is completely different from that of Cobra maneuver. As a supercritical angle of attack maneuver, Cobra maneuver is actually not fully controllable, but a predictable uncontrolled maneuver. The J-type maneuver of the F-22 is fully controllable, and as long as the speed is within the appropriate range, its pitch up and pitch down are also controlled, thanks to the F-22's vector thrust and the ability of the integrated flight control system. Finally, in order to end the maneuver, the F-22 made a side turn with the nose down. Unlike the side turn of conventional aircraft, the aircraft was also completely controllable during this maneuver. The pilot used rudder control and engine nozzle deflection control to deflect the nose into a dive.
58彩票In J-type maneuvering, the pilot must control the engine thrust well to control the optimal speed, otherwise it will be difficult to grasp the dynamics of the aircraft in this complex maneuver. In theory, the aircraft can do anything in controlled flight, but the pilot's control is extremely complex and precise, requiring the pilot to have a high level of awareness and control over the aircraft's state.
The J-type maneuver demonstrates the F-22's most commendable handling characteristics, with its arbitrary control in pitch and axial directions, making it unparalleled compared to third-generation aircraft,From the perspective of close range air combat, there is no possibility of winning against the F-22 third-generation aircraft, which is the power of the fourth generation aircraft's super maneuverability.